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Casino Checklist
Casino Transactions Form
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Checklist for Choosing Cyber-Casinos

Before you even begin selecting a cyber-casino, you must find out whether it is legal for you to be gambling on the Internet. If you do not know, check with your local government agency. All of the cyber-casinos that I have visited usually mention this important aspect about cyber-gambling in their FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section or elsewhere on their web sites.

Yes, it's a jungle out there... but, selecting a cyber-casino for your cyber-gambling does not have to be a stressful experience. Below is a list of things that you should know before choosing to gamble at a particular cyber-casino.

If you are in a hurry to start your cyber-gaming, you can always go straight to the Casino Ratings section. I do, however, strongly recommend that you take the time to read this page so that you will be a more informed cyber-gambler.

STEP #1:

FIND out whether your computer, your browser and your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will work with the cyber-casino's gaming system:

1.��Does your computer have the necessary operating system?
(i.e. Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, etc.)

2.��Does your computer have the necessary system requirements?
(i.e. enough disk space, RAM, processing speed, pentium processor, Direct X, etc.)

3.��Does your browser meet the HTML, Java, Flash or Shockwave requirements?
(i.e. cookies turned on, scripting turned on, or appropriate version of Flash or Shockwave, etc.)

4.��AOL users and Web TV users should always check to ensure that their specialized networks can access the cyber-casino's gaming system.

5.��MAC users should always check to ensure that their computer is compatible with the cyber-casino's gaming system.

STEP #2:

1.��SEARCH for info about the cyber-casino.
- How long has it been in existence?
- Where is it located?
- Is it fully licensed?
- Does it have a privacy policy?
- Does the cyber-casino have a policy and procedure for dispute resolution?
- Are any local taxes taken from winnings?
- Does the cyber-casino charge for bank transfers, checks &/or credit card transactions?
- Does the cyber-casino charge for the delivery of checks?
- What are the monthly payout rates for the various games?
- Are the payout rates audited by a reputable accounting firm?

NOTE:��Monthly payout percentages are usually calculated by a comparison of total winnings to total wagerings. Payout percentages are not a reflection of the past results of any single game OR the future payout of any game. So, for example, if you see that a casino has shown a 97% payout percentage for slots for the month of January, it does not necessarily mean that your gaming experience on their slots will give you such a return. After all, cyber-casinos are in business to make money!

2.��SEARCH for info about the e-cash service.
- Is there a charge for their services?
- Do they have a procedure for resolving billing disputes?
- Read the article on Using Credit Cards on the Internet

3.��I recommend that you contact the cyber-casino via e-mail or by phone to ensure that customer service is, indeed, available to assist you in the event that something goes wrong (i.e. your computer crashes, your ISP goes down, the cyber-casino's server crashes, etc.).��Many cyber-casinos now offer toll-free phone numbers with customer support for 24/7 (24 hours a day and 7 days a week).

STEP #3:

BOOKMARK the cyber-casino's url using your web browser.

ADD the e-mail addresses of the cyber-casino's customer service and/or e-cash service to your e-mail address book.

DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the gaming software.

STEP #4:

CHECK for a free practice mode of the gaming software.

REGISTER as a member who is playing for fun.

Some HTML and Java games which do not require a download also offer free trials so that you can experience the game prior to betting cash. Do not play games which do not allow you to first experience the game in a practice mode. You may regret wasting your money if the game is too boring, too complicated or the server is having problems handling all of the players online.

NOTE:��Do not be fooled by the odds of winning when playing in practice mode. Gambling software which is played offline uses your own computer's random number generator and when you are online and playing for real money, the software uses the random number generator of the cyber-casino's server which will have different odds for payouts. Likewise, playing HTML or Java games for free may have different odds than playing them for real money.

STEP #5:

REGISTER as a member who is playing for money.

PRINT and use the free Casino Transactions Form created by the webmaster of


WRITE down all of the headings provided on the form, and any instructions that the casino supplies regarding special offers (i.e. bonus numbers for claiming rebates, etc.).

Be sure to create your own logging record for your transactions with the casino, if you decide not to print the free Casino Transactions Form.


If you encounter any server errors during your electronic transactions with the cyber-casino's e-cash service, contact customer service immediately to inform them about the error message. When you have successfully logged on again, check your balance to ensure that it has been accurately credited.

Never play games so quickly that you lose track of your cash balance. Take your time. Be aware of the name of the game that you are playing and the amount that you are betting at all times. If your ISP (Internet Service Provider) accidently disconnects or if the server crashes right in the middle of a play, accuracy of all of this info is essential to settling matters with the cyber-casino.

Have fun and good luck!

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